Monday, June 9, 2008

Ding Dong The Witch is Dead...

Finally Hillary Clinton has conceded that she will not be president of these United States.   The question is what did she get for holding the Democratic Party hostage to her ego?  The figure I read is 30 million in campaign debt, including 11 million dollars she personally lent her own campaign.  This deal is standard party practice.   My question is what about the millions Barack Obama spent in the last couple of months when she refused to admit that she couldn't win the nomination?  Money that should have been spent to rid us, the people, of a neo-fascist government, instead of going down the black hole that was Bill and Hillary's ego trip. 

Honestly, it's not that complicated.  She believed for the last 2 years that she should and would be the nominee.  Like George Bush, she laid the proper groundwork with the power brokers at the Bildeberg meeting in 2007, she took their money and had their blessing.  The country would step an inch to the left and it would be business as usual, with a patrician in charge.  Oops, the architects of the New World Order did not factor in just how pissed off we are with business as usual.  Clinton was charged with the task of perpetuating their hold on the American people and she has failed, or has she?  McCain is waiting in the wings, now with more money to spend than Obama; thanks to Hillary.  

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