Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Xmas - bah humbug

So, the last thing George W. Bush did before leaving office was to organized the biggest swindle of taxpayer funds ever.  The banking bail-out turns out to be nothing but grand theft.    Of course, J.P. Morgan and the Mellon bank won't reveal where they spent the money,  After all, the congress didn't specifically state that they had to when they handed them the money.

Unemployment is at a 30 year high, since they only count the people who are actually able to collect unemployment, perhaps it's a much higher number.  It's an art to lie statistically, anyone who doesn't qualify for benefits, or whose benefits have expired are not in that total.

The wealthy are complaining that Obama will raise their taxes and give it to the poor.  By that I assume they mean the working people who pay 90% or more of the taxes paid into the national treasury.  Those people who received nothing from the aforementioned bank bailout paid from said same treasury to private corporations controlled by the wealthiest 1% of the population.  Boo hoo.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Fee Fi Fo Fama..OBAMA.

Who'd a thunk it?  A black President.  I'm going to wait until the swearing in to relax, but this is still a good and almost unimaginable development.  

As a child growing up in the "old south", racism and religion went hand in hand in a most illogical manner.  Later as I began to grasp the nuances of power, I understood racism to be a social construct designed to keep working people from uniting against the fat cats.   A most effective strategy for thousands of years, demonizing a group of people to divert attention from the actual crimes against humanity....

However, I have also seen the brightest best hopes for the working class slaughtered for their efforts by the ruling elite.  So, vigilance is the word for the day.  Hope is here, let's protect it this time.

Monday, October 20, 2008

I wish McCain would just say it out loud...

McCain is still trying to be president, after all these years.  Twitching and snickering during the debate didn't help.  Tapping Gov. Palin to be his running mate, with her bias' coded in her acceptance speech, didn't help much.  The arrogance of the Republican party wogs was never more apparent than with that choice. "Hey, she's a woman..Hillary was a woman, ergo women will vote for her".  I think not.

McCain keeps dancing around the language to try to communicate to the right wing fringe that Obama is black and McCain is white.  Why not just run an ad that says, "Keep the white house white."  It is so obvious that the game being played is that age old one of racist priviledge, just step up and say it.  He won't get my vote, but I could respect the honesty more than the veiled allusions.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Monday, June 9, 2008

Ding Dong The Witch is Dead...

Finally Hillary Clinton has conceded that she will not be president of these United States.   The question is what did she get for holding the Democratic Party hostage to her ego?  The figure I read is 30 million in campaign debt, including 11 million dollars she personally lent her own campaign.  This deal is standard party practice.   My question is what about the millions Barack Obama spent in the last couple of months when she refused to admit that she couldn't win the nomination?  Money that should have been spent to rid us, the people, of a neo-fascist government, instead of going down the black hole that was Bill and Hillary's ego trip. 

Honestly, it's not that complicated.  She believed for the last 2 years that she should and would be the nominee.  Like George Bush, she laid the proper groundwork with the power brokers at the Bildeberg meeting in 2007, she took their money and had their blessing.  The country would step an inch to the left and it would be business as usual, with a patrician in charge.  Oops, the architects of the New World Order did not factor in just how pissed off we are with business as usual.  Clinton was charged with the task of perpetuating their hold on the American people and she has failed, or has she?  McCain is waiting in the wings, now with more money to spend than Obama; thanks to Hillary.  

Friday, May 23, 2008

Spring time in NYC

If you live here in the city you may have noticed a slight change in the people on the street in recent weeks.  The crazies are out, making shrines around the columns in the subway, talking to themselves or mailboxes, sleeping on the trains with their imaginary friends.  I haven't been able to confirm if New York State is still releasing mental patients into the city in the spring, however for years in the 80's and 90's it was a common practice.

I've come to rely on the sudden and consistent appearance of certain deranged individuals as a true sign that spring has been sprung, along with all the people the city scooped up in late fall to keep them from freezing to death.  Of course, the politicos blame budget shortcomings as the reason these people cannot be housed and properly cared for year round.  It was only after a long public outcry about the number of deaths among the homeless mentally ill that the city even began it's policy of forced incarceration during the worst weather.  This completely ignores the fact that the state institutions began releasing people in the late 70's and 80's because of lack of proper funding, thus creating this game in the first place.  Now you have a place to live, now you don't.

I realize that the monetary concerns are real, however, if we eliminate the corruption at every level of government and the colluding HMO's and private Health Care Providers, the insurance companies and drug companies I am sure there would be enough money not only to care for the mentally ill homeless ranting at the tourist in time square, but also the rest of us.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

There be monsters...

You may notice a pattern in the media now of debt relief programs being advertised, nearly as much as prescription medications.  The bankers are trying to save their asses.  It didn't matter that you couldn't really afford that home or car 2 or 3 years ago, it looked good on their books when they counted your debt as an asset.  Unfortunately, we are at the end of that shell game and now your debt most likely belongs to the Chinese or Saudis.  I wonder how they will deal with it?

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Bombing or Art?

I ran into a young friend of mine recently. He's been living in Massachusetts for the last several years. Recently he was arrested for bombing all over the little towns near him. I've known him for years and he's been tagging for at least 10 of the years I've known him, first as a kid and then as a young man. His "work" is on train cars, under bridges and on walls. If you follow graffiti you will know his tag, "Limer". The local blogger where they caught him stated "We've been trying to get this guy for years...", erroneously assuming that my friend did all the big graffiti pieces in that town. Then the rest of the towns people speculated on gang affiliations, appropriate punishments and the insidious nature of graffiti itself.

This all reminded me that in the ancient city of Teotihuacan in what is now Mexico that murals were everywhere. The largest city in the Americas from 100 AD to 700 AD, while the Romans were perishing from lead in the water and all of western european culture was sliding into the dark ages this city of 8 square miles thrived and grew. Often called "The City of The Gods" it was built of volcanic rocks and every exposed surface was painted with brightly colored murals and drawings. The Pyramid of the Sun and The Pyramid of the Moon were no exceptions. To please the Gods, these early Americans, created images of animals and birds and flowers and even the gods themselves. What a sight to walk up the Avenue of the Dead and see the reds, blues, greens, yellows, etc...not a dull or boring wall in sight.

In Puerto Rico, especially in and around San Juan, there are many examples of public art. You can't walk half of a block without seeing a sculpture or mural. 500 years of history is revealed in the architecture and art that is so much a part of daily life there. No, PR doesn't have it's independence and maybe never will, but the culture of the people is kept alive through these artifacts.

My friend in Mass., is a talented artist. I have always thought that he was born to be that. Tagging is what appeals to him creatively, making public art for no fee, just to please the gods and hold on to his own culture.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April Fools, the joke's on us

$9,414,104,802,847...48..49..etc is our national debt, toting up faster than either you or I can count. This is the money we owe the Federal Reserve, the IMF, the World Bank which they in turn use to make all the war in the world. Now your government wants to give the Federal Reserve more power in the economy. Sure things are screwed up, but the Federal Reserve is controlled by a group of international banks that have effectively brought us to the current crisis, why give them more power to manipulate the marketplace?

I don't claim to understand the subtlety of big finance, but I do know that as long as we do not control the monetary system, the minting and distribution of money, that we have very little hope to turn that massive debt around.

Friday, March 28, 2008

The problem is...

Disinformation. When looking for truth it's easy to be thwarted and sidetracked by those who would intentionally mislead. Fox news is a prime example, of course. As many people who are trying to uncover the reality, there are twice as many trying to obfusticate the real information with UFO's, etc...there are documents to back up that research, but as William Cooper came to believe, those documents are probably fake.

This brings up the question, why? I guess it's to give us mere mortals the possibility of someone else coming to save the day. Unfortunately that's not going to happen, even if there are aliens. We're on our own with a government run by "thieves and crooks". Short of toppling the whole thing, we should pursue legal action against them whenever possible. Support the bill in congress to impeach Dick Cheney, then ask for restitution from Halliburton. When the new administration takes office lobby to do away with the National Security Council and the CIA, both offices were created in 1947 and have served no purpose except to involve us in one illegal war after another. Support a strict interpretation of the Constitution where there is no place for covert agencies like these.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Be proactive, not reactive

I know that you can't believe everything you read. There are always multiple sides to the story. However the more you look at an event, the more you can rule out what's not true from the highly probable. When I tell people about the ludicris amount of connections between nefarious government officials (from all governments, not just here in the U.S.) and bankers leading to over 60 million deaths in the last century alone...they say "Oh.. don't tell me about your conspiracy theories."

It is a time honored method of continuing the disimformation of the system designed by the Rockerfellers, Schiffs, Warburgs, etc...Shoot the messenger. So, that's not what this is about. I would like to suggest to anyone that thinks that any statements tying the powers that be to the mass murders of the past and present is just theory, check it out for yourself. Don't let FOX news, or CNN, or ABC, etc... tell you that its' all just theory. All of the mainstream media outlets in this country are owned by the same 6 corporations, and all of their CEO's have ties to the intelligence community. Their job is to misinform and mislead, that's what they get paid for.

Sure, the graphics are flashy and their teeth are all gleaming. Their rhetoric is simple and repetitious, and they all tell the same's an illusion and in no way reflects the truth of what's going on. I realize that anything outside of our own heads is difficult to truly understand and in many ways frustrating. Even if one has a thousand facts, the reality of an event can never be known without firsthand experience of the moment as it occurred. That being said, unless individuals attempt to understand then the corruption that is rampant in all walks of life will continue to determine all of our futures.

It's not about religion, it's about taking personal responsibility; using the tools that are out there to pursue information yourself without being spoonfed the party line. Basically, use the little freedom left to you and stop being a pawn.