Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Fee Fi Fo Fama..OBAMA.

Who'd a thunk it?  A black President.  I'm going to wait until the swearing in to relax, but this is still a good and almost unimaginable development.  

As a child growing up in the "old south", racism and religion went hand in hand in a most illogical manner.  Later as I began to grasp the nuances of power, I understood racism to be a social construct designed to keep working people from uniting against the fat cats.   A most effective strategy for thousands of years, demonizing a group of people to divert attention from the actual crimes against humanity....

However, I have also seen the brightest best hopes for the working class slaughtered for their efforts by the ruling elite.  So, vigilance is the word for the day.  Hope is here, let's protect it this time.